Saturday, 7 July 2012

Illuminati and the 2012 games...

Some believe that the 2012 Olympic games will be the host for a fake terrorist plot orchestrated by the underground organisation the 'Illuminati'. But is there any evidence for this?

There was a lot of conspiracy theory's about 9/11, which i will not get into; 9/11 and 7/7 both had several media clues before both events that are beyond coincidence and it is possible that the same thing has happened regarding the 2012 games. (Panorama made a program which turned out to detail the exact events of 7/7).

There was a BBC program that was aired a few months ago, that looked at the implications and effects of a nuclear bomb at the 2012 Olympics, is this a sign?

The Olympic mascots this year are some of the most basic clues to the Illuminati's involvement, as they depict the 'all seeing eye'and the capstone of the revered Illuminati pyramid (seen on american currency):

Added to that, the Official Statue/sculpture of the 2012 games, is a 9 meter abstract spider, however it is the name of the spider that has caught the attention of the world. The sculpture is called the "spirit of Zionism". Zionism is a age old religion that has had close links with the Illuminati and the Lord mayor of London said at the grand opening, that this sculpture was "in keeping with the Zionist theme of the 2012 games".

We have all seen the 2012 logo for the up coming Olympics, but if rearranged it spells Zion:

Some say that this is just scaremongering,but why the dot in the middle, is it needed to spell '2012'? As i have shown above there are a lot of 'coincidences'. Even the Iranian government picked up on the above and threatened to boycott the games if the symbols were not altered.
But why would the Illuminati want to bomb the Olympics?
well as has been proved by 9/11, any orchestrated form of terrorism will be compounded by all the clishé terrorist groups, as it is them who will happily take the credit. The Illuminati believe :


The Olympics bring together the whole world and it would be the perfect place to implement the final stages of a plan that has been hundred of years in the making..
Another coincidence is the floodlights that surround the main stadium, are they not identical to the symbols in the above picture of the doller bill:

Please watch the above videos, although the last link is a rather long video the others are very short and 'a picture paints a thousand words'.
I am not preaching, it is up to you to decide for yourself, i am just providing a compilation of strange coincidences. I will leave you with a quote:

"All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the new world order"
David Rockerfeller - UN speech 1994

1 comment:

  1. You going to rescind this blog after nothing happens at the olympics? I'm expecting an apology blog ;)
