Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Hurricane Sandy

As all of you reading this will be aware, America is undergoing a huge storm. The east coast of america is going to be in ruins if the storms reaches its maximum potential, the worrying thing about this is not the deaths (however, all deaths are tragedy's in their own right), the problem is this:

Obama held talks the other day with the Global Insurance conglomerate and they basically said that they have financial reserves of roughly 200 billion (USD). This is a large amount of money right?

Well no, it isn't  If New York gets the same treatment from mother nature as Hati, then the Insurance big wigs reckon that not only will they not have enough money to cover it, but they doubt that it is possible to raise enough funds to EVER cover it. Simply put, if NY gets totally wrecked, then it will be 10 years before it resembles anything like how it is now. This is not good news.

Another thing to consider while sitting at home, is that there is an Election soon, right?
Im not a historian but i cant recall a US election ever having been called off?

This is an issue more for Romney because at the end of the day, in an emergency, who cares about  voting when people are dying? If the US declares a state of national emergency then the President can become Commander and Chief (a role he always fills, but does not always employ) if he becomes commander and chief then he is in total control until he declares the state of emergency passed, again, a bad thing for Romney.

I do not subscribe to the latter theory  but it has been claimed that the Americans have developed a electro-magnetic device, that fired into the atmosphere can create storms such as the one being seen now in American itself. Some people also claim that by creating a state of national emergeny, they can close the stock market, employ a dictatorship under the guise of a emergency council and implement FEMA (rehabilitation camps, some argue to be prisons). Is this the Illuminati? is this storm the start of the new world order, IS THIS '2012?!

I am not claiming any of the previous to be true, but it has crossed my mind.

Thoughts to all those affected by Hurricane Sandy. xox 

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