Saturday, 17 November 2012

World War 3

A world war is a near impossibility. How can the whole world fall out over the same thing?

Well they cant. A world war is when two world powers fall out and then the rest takes sides or hide under a rock. World war II was between Britain and Germany, the reason is not important.

I am going to bet that in under 10 years time, there is going to be another world war, this will be between America and China.

As most already know, America is in huge debt. What most people don't know, is that America owe most of that debt to China. China is going to pretty soon overtake America as the new world super power and they want what is owed to them. America knows that they cant afford to pay China back in full, so what they are doing is rather clever; America is printing money like there is no tomorrow. Billions and billions have already been printed, all in high domination bills. The money is so vast that it cant be introduced into circulation or else it would cause hyper inflation like you wouldn't believe  Printing the money is fine, as long as you have the gold reserves to match the papers worth. The problem is that America now has far more paper currency then it has gold and this is driving the worth of their currency down. As the american currency becomes weaker, the overall debt to China goes down due to the fact that the world trading currency is dollars. 

If america owed $1 billion for example, and they print large amounts of paper currency without gold counterpart, then the debt might reduce to $800 million if you measure it by the original worth of the money. 

China has worked this out, and they are now doing all they can to change the world trading currency into Chinese currency to thwart Americas attempts to dilute the debt. This however is not working, and i reckon that it will result in war. 

Time will tell, but as it stands, China hold the better hand and america knows it.

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