Sunday, 27 May 2012

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber, possibly the most famous person on the face of the planet right now. Justin has sold millions of records and his music video for his hit single "baby" has over  700 million views, but why is he so popular?

Personally i don't like Justin Bieber, because i feel that he is a representation of the corporate nature of pop music. Justin does not write his own music, nor does he produce any of his own material. The same can be said about what he wears and what he says to journalists, all of these things are or-castrated by his huge entourage. When Justin finishes singing his lyrics in the studio, a team of experts tunes his voice digitally to give the listeners the impression that this young music star has the perfect voice, which is of course not true.

It is a illusion created by a corporation, he has talent and he is a good looking guy, but he has been moulded and altered in every conceivable way to appear to be perfect. Although you cannot deny his success, if you take into consideration the amount of money and help that he has received it really is no surprise. 

I make a point of avoiding most chart music, because i am not a fan of what i call the "auto-tune generation", i prefer artists who not only write there own material, but wear what they want and are not mere puppets for a large music label, artists such as Ed Sheeran. Ed spent his early career touring around pubs and clubs getting any gig he could, and a few years ago he made his break by featuring on the YouTube music channel "SB.TV", and since then has seen global success. Ed's voice is genuine talent, he writes his own music and lyrics and always has huge involvement in the theme and creation of his music videos. 

Maybe it would be harsh to blame Justin for what he is, maybe it is the fault of the large record labels and the corporate nature of the music business?

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