Monday, 28 May 2012


I am new to this whole idea of writng about random subjects and them posting them on the internet for other people to read, and i have to say that it is tough work. My main concern would be that nobody would see my blogs and if they did, they would have little interest. I decided to keep my blogs short to start of with, and cover a number of topics that would appeal to the mass audience, but at the same time i want to try and get more views and comments. There is little point in writing about something if nobody is going to read it, and this is the main challenge with online blogging.

some people would argue that it is not an active persuite of readership, but rather a release of emotion of the harnesing of a passion; i do enjoy writing and i can see how this blog could be used as a 'personal diary to the world' but i want to write to please, entertain and to intruige people, and without a readership this is impossible.

I am not a fan of self publication, i believe that if a person likes your material enough they will return for more or share it with there friends. But lets get the ball rolling first? it would help me if you are reading this to share it, so that i can increase my audience.

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