Monday, 28 May 2012

Rain, Really?

If you live in England, im sure you will be aware of the sweltering weather that we have been experiencing of late. But today, while basking in the sun, i found myself caught short in what can only be called a monsoon. I spent the following 10 minutes securing my windows and such like, but by the time i had finished, it was sunny again.

I am all for changing weather conditions, but to go from one extreme to another in the space of ten minutes if a bit of a joke. I am a fan of all weather conditions, but i want to know that when i wake up, i will know what weather to expect based on the season, so if i have to endure pouring rain in shorts, then i will be less then impressed.

There is no real point to the post, but i felt that it was worth a rant because it annoys me and im sure many other people around England.

to conclude, weather: make up your mind, thanks.

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